
Regarding Donations of Clothing and Household Items
We appreciate you thinking of us and how your items may be of use to those in need. Currently, we cannot take donations.

Upcoming Events

Prayer Shawl Ministry
For anyone that needs healing and/or comfort, the Prayer Shawl Ministry offers free knitted or crochet shawls & lap blankets.

The Women's Circle
We meet every Thursday morning at 9:30am in Room 5 & 6.

Parish Vocation Ministry Training
The Diocese of Phoenix Vocations Office and local Phoenix Serra Clubs are working together to train members of every parish to promote vocations in the community.

Ash Wednesday
Mass with distribution of ashes: 8:00am English, 10:00am Spanish, 6:00pm English, and 8:00pm.

Juntos para Siempre
Por Primera Vez En Arizona, Conferencias para Parejas.

Next Baptism Preparation Class
Baptism Class Information
The next baptism class is on Sun, Mar 9, at 1:30pm in Room 6.